40+ certifications
The certification demonstrates a commitment to professionalism and adherence to established industry standards.
It indicates that the translator possesses the necessary skills, knowledge, and language proficiency to accurately and effectively convey the content from the source language to the target language.
Take a look at my certifications!

Linguistic Prompt Design Training. (Workload: 10h)
RWS Group, RWS, Canada
Elementary Aviation English Vocabulary Course. (Workload: 20h)
National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC),
Brazil ​
Dev Immersion from Alura | JavaScript. (Workload: 4h)
Alura, Brazil​​
Principles of Logistic. (Workload: 30h). Prime Cursos, Brazil
Introduction to Humanitarian Translation for The TWB Community. (Workload: 2h).
Translators Without Borders (TWB) - USA, TWB​
Healthy Leadership: Changing people and enterprises. (Workload: 2h).
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS, Brazil.​
The use of cookies in the scope of the computer security, GDPR, and etc. (Workload: 1h).
Cesae Digital Talks - Portugal, CDT, Portugal.​
Education in Languages and Their Technologies. (Workload: 180h).
Basic Education Department of the Ministry of Education, AVAMEC, Brazil.
Translation as a career: A guide to be self-independent.
Udemy, UDEMY, Brazil.​
The Translation of words that are culturally marked. (Workload: 3h).
Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC, Brazil.​
Translation and idiomatic expression. (Workload: 3h).
Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC, Brazil.​
Word to Review and Text Formatting. (Workload: 1h).
Master of the Review, MR, Brazil.​
Opportunities of self-publishing at Amazon and Digital Books. (Workload: 2h).
Station of Arts Institute, IEL, Brazil.​
Writing to children and teens, with Marina Colasanti. (Workload: 1h).
Station of Arts Institute, IEL, Brazil.​
The adaptations of Monteiro Lobato: Emilia in the cage.... (Workload: 1h).
Brazilian Association of Researchers in Translation, ABRAPT, Brazil.​
Cycle of debates: translation and its perspectives. (Workload: 4h).
Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC, Brazil.​
Alterity Relationships in Book Publishing. (Workload: 2h).
Amanda Moura Editorial, AM, Brazil.​
Independent Literary Translation: projects and challenges. (Workload: 2h).
Fluminense Federal University, UFF, Brazil.​
Translations and Photography Loans. (Workload 2h).
University of São Paulo fflch, USP, Brazil.​​
The Translator occupation. (Workload: 3h).
Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC, Brazil.​
From Translation to Review: the text professional in Editorial Production. (Workload: 2h).
Fluminense Federal University, UFF, Brazil.​​
Free Class of Legal English to lawyers, judges and promoters. (Workload: 1h).
Descomplicando o Inglês Jurídico, DIJ, Brazil.​
Translating Comic Book and the routine of the Érico Assis’ Translator. (Workload: 2h).
Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM, Brazil.​
Interprets and glossaries: renewing relations. (Workload: 1h).
Brazilian Association of Researchers in Translation, ABRAPT, Brazil.​
Technological, Emotional and Professional Skills to Time of Change. (Workload: 4h).
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS, Brazil.​
Mrs. Benta and Emilia: the spokesperson of Lobato in his adaptations.... (Workload: 1h).
University of São Paulo fflch, USP, Brazil.​
Literature, translation and reception: the Paulo Coelho’s ivorian. (Workload: 2h).
Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM, Brazil.​
Issues of Literature in the English Language – Was there an English Romantism? (Workload: 2h).
University of São Paulo fflch, USP, Brazil.​
Entrepreneurship in the Career of Arts Professionals. (Workload: 2h).
Master of the Review, MR, Brazil.​
Translations and Photography Loans. (Workload: 2h).
University of São Paulo fflch, USP, Brazil.​
Cycle of events Letrare 2020 – A Chat with Dilma Machado. (Workload: 2h).
Federal University of Ceara, UFC, Brazil.​
Little Tricks of an old Translator. (Workload: 2h).
Proz with powwow, PROZ, United States.​
Translations and the roles of a Translator. (Workload: 2h).
Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM, Brazil.​
Trilogy of Clarice Lispector, with José Miguel Wisnik. (Workload: 1h).
Station of Arts Institute, IEL, Brazil.​
The Transformation in the Translation World. Renata Machado. (Workload: 2h).
Eventbrite, EB, Brazil.​
Translation/Adaptation of Brazilian Comic Book. (Workload: 2h).
University of São Paulo fflch, USP, Brazil.​
Portuguese Language Leveling. (Workload: 100h).
The State University of Ponta Grossa, UEPG, Brazil.​
Getting to Know the New Orthographic Agreement. (Workload: 20h).
Brazilian Legislative Institute, ILB, Brazil.
Translation Industry and Practical Course
Udemy, UDEMY, Brazil.
English Course
Pingo’s School, PBF, Brazil.
Spanish Course
Global Idiomas, GI, Brazil.

Continuous learning is essential for Translators to stay updated on evolving language trends, industry standards, and technological advancements. It enhances expertise, ensures accuracy, and keeps professionals competitive in a dynamic global market.